2011 Restoration Hardware 9 Foot Gold Starlit Led Xmas Tree

2011 Restoration Hardware 9 Foot Gold Starlit Led Xmas Tree. Box was opened just to get a couple pictures inside the box. The last 3 pictures are stock photos that are very close to what the tree will look like. Since the tree is a 2011 design there weren’t too many stock photos to even find. The specs are accurate based on the carton label. Flexible branches are dotted and tipped with lights. Tree made of metal and plastic. Warm-white LED lights create a soft glow. Tree has 480 bulbs. 30,000 hours projected bulb lifespan; bulbs are non-replaceable. Choice of on/off switch or built-in 24-hour timer that operates in 6-hour increments (6 hours on, 18 hours off). 16’L cord (Not 100% sure on the actual length). Safe for indoor or sheltered outdoor use. Not designed to withstand heavy winds or storm conditions. 9′ Tree: 52 diam. 108″H overall; 11″ diam. They are each their own carton.