Member’S Mark 8′ Towering Scarecrow HALLOWEEN

Watch this Member’s MarkT Pre-Lit 8′ Animated Scarecrow with moving LCD eye technology come to life. This Member’s Mark Pre-Lit 8′ Animated Scarecrow has detailed realistic sculpts, moving LCD eyes, and a turning head that makes your Halloween theme a sight to see. This Member’s Mark Pre-Lit 8′ Animated Scarecrow is dressed in classic farmer’s clothes, wearing a realistic straw hat and a green bandana. The lights and motion of the Member’s Mark Pre-Lit 8′ Animated Scarecrow are sensor activated, with fun welcoming sayings. He keeps a close eye out on the field to make sure every trick or treater is greeted happily with a wave, wishing folks a safe and Happy Halloween. Add this Member’s Mark Pre-Lit 8′ Animated Scarecrow to your Halloween decorations and he is sure to excite your guests with his life-like movements and cheerful welcoming greetings.